Netflix’s Surprise: DVDs Given Away as a Farewell Gift

Netflix's Surprise DVDs Given Away as a Farewell Gift
Netflix founder Reed Hastings holds up a few dozen DVDs headed to eager households in 2002, when the company had 500,000 subscribers. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images


Netflix, the streaming giant we all know and love, has quietly been saying goodbye to a significant part of its history – its DVD business. After more than 25 years of mailing DVDs to subscribers, the company is finally pulling the plug on this iconic service. Whether you see it as a nostalgic farewell or the end of an era, Netflix’s decision marks a pivotal moment in the world of entertainment.

The Last Red Envelope:

The news broke in April that Netflix would send its final DVD by mail on September 29, 25 years after it sent out its very first DVD. The envelope that started it all contained Tim Burton’s “Beetlejuice.” For many, this marks the end of a chapter in their entertainment journey.

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A Generous Goodbye:

In a surprising move, Netflix has offered subscribers of, its DVD rental service, a parting gift. Subscribers can now keep all the DVDs they had rented just before the service went out of business. Even more intriguing, they can sign up for a surprise shipment of up to 10 additional discs to arrive after the site shuts down. It’s like receiving party favors as you exit.

A Nostalgic Reminder:

Netflix’s decision to wind down its DVD service has been met with mixed emotions. For the over 1 million subscribers to, this marks the end of an era. While streaming has taken center stage in recent years, the DVD service had a unique appeal for those in rural areas and lovers of niche movies not readily available on streaming platforms.

A Long-Planned Farewell Of Netflix:

Surprisingly, Netflix had been planning to phase out DVDs since the 20th century. Co-CEO Ted Sarandos recalled that Netflix founder Reed Hastings envisioned transitioning to an entirely online model as soon as it became economically viable. The moment arrived in 2007 with the launch of Netflix’s streaming service.

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The Qwikster Fiasco:

In 2011, Netflix attempted to split its DVD and streaming services into separate companies: Netflix for streaming and Qwikster for DVDs by mail. This caused an uproar among subscribers, and Netflix soon reversed the decision. However, they did quietly spin off their DVD business into, leaving millions of customers still enjoying DVDs by mail.

The Streaming Revolution:

Streaming has undoubtedly become the future of entertainment. In the last quarter alone, Netflix added 5.9 million streaming subscribers, bringing its global total to a staggering 238.4 million. This growth is unparalleled and underscores the immense shift in how we consume media.

A Collectible Farewell:

As the final days of the Netflix DVD era approach, movie buffs have a last chance to be part of this historic moment. You can sign up for a account until September 29, request up to eight discs at a time, and even receive 10 surprise discs – all without the need to return them. Who knows, perhaps in a few years, these red envelopes will be considered collectibles, cherished by a new generation of entertainment enthusiasts.

Netflix’s decision to bid farewell to its DVD service signifies the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment. As we move further into the digital age, it’s a reminder that even the most iconic services eventually make way for the next chapter in the world of streaming and online media consumption.

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